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  • Writer's pictureViv

Welcome to Our First Blog Post!

Welcome to the first post in our Skinpharma Aesthetics blog 😉👍

We're really happy to be now working with the Blake & Butler Salon in the centre of York. It's about a 20 second walk from there to Bettys Tea Rooms!

Currently, we're running clinics in the salon's private treatment room on Tuesdays & Saturdays.

Upstairs, we've got access to a meeting room which we may use for treatment demonstrations in future.

We're hoping to organise the likes of lip treatments & anti-wrinkle demonstrations, as well as more advanced ones, such as cheek lifting & possibly hand rejuvenation treatments too.


Treatment room

Meeting room


Kevin & I recently carried out advanced aesthetics training at Derma Medical's new training location in Manchester. We completed work to let us carry out a number of more advanced Botox® & dermal filler treatments, so we can now carry out these additional treatments both in Yarm & in York:

  1. Chemical ‘Brow lift’

  2. ‘Bunny lines’

  3. ‘Gummy smiles’

  4. ‘Smokers lines’

  5. Down turned mouths

  6. Dimpled/’Pebbled’ Chins

  7. ‘Turkey neck’ (Nerfertiti lift & Plastysmal bands)

  8. Jawline definition & the wide-set jaw

  9. Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

  10. Vermillion border & Cupid’s bow enhancement

  11. Perioral sculpting

  12. Deep line rejuvenation

  13. Cheek Augmentation

  14. Hand filler rejuvenation

We've included a few of the videos we took during our training, to show how some of these treatments are carried out:


Cheek lifting using dermal fillers

Hand rejuvenation using dermal fillers

Underarm sweat reduction using Botox®


We're off to London to carry out more specialised training this weekend. It'll involve the use of cannulas to provide tear trough treatments, non-surgical nose re-shaping & jawline re-shaping too. Below is a video showing how tear trough treatments are carried out using this process:

Non-surgical tear trough treatment using dermal fillers

Please let us know, if you have any questions about the work we do, or if you have any ideas about how we could help you with particular types of treatments you're interested in.

Best wishes.

PS- As a subscriber to our blog, we'll be providing offers for some of our treatments to you very soon, so watch this space 😉👍💋


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