Plasma Arc Skin Tightening Treatments in Yarm

I'm very proud to be the FIRST clinic in northern England to offer my clients a new form of aesthetic skin tightening treatment.
After treatment, results are instant, but improvements continue for the proceeding three months, producing further skin tightening.
Treatment effects are permanent, with only natural skin ageing contributing to the need for further treatment.
Using a combination of plasma & low frequency energy, we can now safely carry out a range of low-pain, long-lasting aesthetic treatments.
Using this new plasma pen device, I'm now able to provide safe & effective treatments for a range of conditions:
Skin tightening: upper and lower eyelids, soft facelift, throat and STOMACH TIGHTENING
Wrinkle / uneven surface reduction: e.g. smoker's lines, frown lines, forehead lines, nasolabial folds
Pigmentation reduction: e.g. age/sun spots, liver spots, moles
Scar reduction/improvement
Removal / correction of permanent make-up, skin tags and small tattoos
The plasma arc device operates at a distance of about 1mm above the skin surface. It creates a minute electrical arc at its tip, called the plasma arc.
When this touches the skin, it vaporises a micromillimeter-sized dot on the skin’s surface & this is called sublimation.
This allows the imprint to be wider and shallower than traditional thermal only devices.
This dot minimally tightens the skin in its vicinity. Several points applied together create a “reduction grid”.
By creating these reduction grids in specific patterns, excess skin can be tightened extremely safely & effectively.
Before we complete any plasma arc treatment, I will always carry out a full consultation with clients. Ultimately, I want to make sure that this will be safe for you.
I clean the areas to be treated & then apply local anaesthetic to those areas for around 30 minutes beforehand.
The actual treatment time is affected by the areas bring treated:
Skin pigmentation: 15-20 mins per area
Skin tightening / wrinkle reduction: up to 60 mins per area
Skin tags / mole removal: 10 mins per area
With skin tightening, a pattern of brown 'dots' is left on the skin, where the skin has already begun tightening & where it will continue to do so for up to the following three months. These gradually dry & fall away over the course of 7-10 days after having treatment.
With skin pigmentation, skin tags & mole removal, the treated skin appears darker, but this too gradually dries & clears, leaving intact, naturally-coloured, flattened skin.
Aftercare products are provided to keep the skin dry & protected during the healing process. Medicated camouflage cream is also provided to minimise the appearance of the skin treatment.
If you'd like to know more about this new form of aesthetic treatment, are interested in talking about the treatments which could help to improve your appearance & confidence, or would simply like to see how the device works, then just complete the form below.
I'm more than happy to see you for a consultation about the work which could be carried out for you.